Friday, June 14, 2013

The Victorian Government’s Office of Living Victoria Commends Chelsea Flower Show winners

Yesterday, the Trailfinder’s Australian Garden team were commended at Parliament House for their ‘Best In Show’ success at the Chelsea Flower Show in May.

The Victorian Government was one of the gardens leading supporters, providing $350,000 to help make the design a reality. The Minister for Water, The Hon. Peter Walsh, hosted the official reception congratulating the team and all their supporters on an amazing success.

‘There are lessons that Victoria can take from this award-winning garden. We need to be much more sophisticated in the harvest and use of all available water supplies if we want to ensure Victoria has liveable, sustainable and productive communities into the future.’ Mr Walsh said

‘Just like the Trailfinder’s Australian Garden, we need to be harnessing the water that runs off the city – more water runs off Melbourne rooftops and streets every year into the bay than the city’s population draws from the Melbourne Water supply system.’

Mr Walsh commented that not only had the Trailfinder’s Australian Garden showcased Victoria’s horticultural & landscaping skills, it also boosted the profile of our states water cycle management on a world stage.

Contact us for more info on how we create a space at your property with water capture and conservation at its core!