Thursday, October 23, 2014


We have always believed in the importance of being connected to nature and now we shall be more connected than ever!

As of Friday the 24th October 2014 (tomorrow!), Phillip Johnson Landscapes will no longer call Camberwell it’s home, as we pack up our things and head back to the beautiful Olinda!

We have spent the last few months developing our research laboratory into a show garden that is ready for our future and we are more than thrilled with the results!

We will now be working right in the heart of what we create, with every window of our new office, looking out over waterfalls, native plants and the beautiful natural pool below! It’s going to be such an energizing place to work from and we are sure that each day will fill our designs with more and more inspiration!

So what does this move mean for our clients? Now, by appointment only, we can show you exactly what it is that we do! We can show you the wonders of having a natural pool, how the plants can be used to enhance the space and point out every little detail that give our landscapes their soul and beauty!

Make sure you check out our Facebook page to follow our new journey!
To contact us after our move, our new details are below: